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Phil Demmel Streams Rejected MACHINE HEAD Song With MEGADETH & BLEEDING THROUGH Members

It's way good.

Phil Demmel

Ex-Machine Head guitarist Phil Demmel and drummer Dave McClain recently revealed they had some music sitting around that was rejected during Machine Head's Catharsis sessions. Instead of trashing the one song "The Permanent Decay," Demmel and McClain recruited bassist David Ellefson (Megadeth) and vocalist Brandan Schieppati (Bleeding Through) to give it a proper release.

"Originally when me [McClain] and Phil were in Machine Head, and it came time to start writing stuff for the next record, Phil had some ideas and riffs, and I'm always down there practicing all day. He just came down one day, he had these riffs, we started messing around. I mic'ed up everything in the room on my laptop, and we recorded this stuff live, and then it ended up not being used for anything. Fast forward to all this time later, when we're both out of Machine Head, and Phil was going out on this guitar clinic tour, and he was like, 'Let's record some of the riffs and songs I had.'"

As for if this will lead to the four being in a band together, Demmel said he isn't sure.

"We don't know if we're a band, we don't know what we're doing, other than that we all played on this song, and that we dig it. No one knows what the future holds.”

I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but man. Imagine if Catharsis was more stuff like this and less of what it actually was? Though Machine Head leader Robb Flynn digs that record, which is all that really matters.

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