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They're about to drop their debut 7".

Suicidal Tendencies_8_James Alvarez

The Crew is the new punk band featuring Pennywise guitarist Fletcher Dragge and drummer Byron McMackin, Suicidal Tendencies vocalist Mike Muir, and Rancid guitarist and vocalist Tim Armstrong and bassist Matt Freeman.

The band is now streaming their debut single "One Voice" off their coming 7" of the same name. The 7" will donate proceeds to Musack, whose mission it is to give kids and teens a voice through music by providing guitars, drums and support for music teachers. The 7" will feature a B-side cover of Rippy And The Sillyettes' song "One In A Million".

"Collaborating with Tim Armstrong, Mike Muir and Matt Freeman has been an awesome experience," said Dragge. "Obviously, Byron Mcmackin and I go way back.

"Byron and I had a demo of 'One Voice' laying around for couple years, and I thought it would be cool to bring a couple old friends on board to breath some new life into it. Watching these guys lay down their own personal trademark styles on this song was nothing short of amazing! I think it's safe to safe we're all pretty fucking stoked on the final product, and being able to donate proceeds to Musack feels pretty awesome as well. Find it, crank it up, and enjoy!"

Pre-orders are available here.

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