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9 Instances of Invisible Oranges No Longer Being Invisible

What if the invisible orange was suddenly visible?

What if the invisible orange was suddenly visible?

We love a good Tumblr blog. Previously, we've featured celebrities wearing Black Flag shirts, alternate metal album covers, metal cats, bargain bin blasphemy, meeting Fred Durst, bass dogs,drum fish and of course the Juggalos of OKCupid.

Earlier today, a friend tipped me off to Oranges and Metal. Of course, the invisible orange is when you do a "claw" symbol that looks like you are holding an invisible orange. But one brave person wondered, hmmm, what if they were actually holding oranges? The results are, of course, hilarious:

Phil Anselmo oranges

Dimebag Darrell

Kirk Crowbar

Max Cavalera oranges

Dimmu Borgir oranges

Deafheaven oranges

Immortal Oranges

Ziltoid Oranges

Check out more at Oranges and Metal.

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PSA: If you're drinking a beer, stay away from the pit.