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Another Granddaughter of OZZY OSBOURNE Tests Positive For COVID-19

ozzy osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne now has two young granddaughters who tested positive for COVID-19. His wife, Sharon Osbourne shared the update on the latest edition of her talk show, The Talk.

Earlier this week, we reported that the elder Osbournes' two-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter Minnie was found to have contracted COVID-19, likely caught from someone who works with her son Jack Osbourne. Now, Sharon says their five-year-old granddaughter, Andy Rose, has also contracted the virus.

Sharon said on The Talk "A few days ago, my granddaughter Andy came down with COVID. And, I didn't want to say anything because it's not my story to tell, it's Jack's. So, Jack did speak about it yesterday. So, yes, there's now two granddaughters out the of three that have it."

Thankfully, Sharon said that the two young girls are "doing surprisingly well," saying "The first three, four days, and then, after that, it's like night and day, the way they change so quickly. And they are both doing fine, thank God."

Sharon has been broadcasting from quarantine and said she will be returning to the studio on Monday. "It's like, I've had, you know, a lovely place to stay… [but] I'm ready, ready to come back."

During the The Blizzard of Ozz Special: Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Blizzard of Ozz special, Ozzy told Jenn he doesn't see himself hitting the road again until 2022. Osbourne attributed the delay not to his health, but to the world's inability to get a grip on the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I never really thought about [if my opinion on COVID-19 matters]. I'm just Ozzy. My wife calls me Ozzy. I'm just Ozzy. I'm just here. The only good thing about this pandemic, I couldn't work anyway, because of my injuries. I'm hoping that I'll be booking 2022, I think. To be honest with you, I don't think it's gonna get ship shape until the end of next year. I think this winter is gonna be fucking bad, because you're gonna have the flu. People are, 'I'm not taking the flu shot.' You know what? You can give me anything, but I'm not gonna be number one on that fucking new vaccine. I don't know want to be the first one to wake up with a set of fucking antlers in the morning."

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