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ASKING ALEXANDRIA Helps Out Fan Ripped Off By Now Ex-Frontman

Denis Stoff is not making any friends in the industry.

Denis Stoff is not making any friends in the industry.

Asking Alexandria recently had a very strange parting of ways with its vocalist Denis Stoff, which resulted in the regaining of original vocalist Danny Worsnop. According to the band, Stoff had a spotty history in the music industry and ended up just bailing without much of any warning at all.

The whole thing seems to have quieted down at this point, though another story about Stoff has surfaced. According to the below interview with Brian Storm, a fan named Maxime Solemn recently agreed to pay Stoff $800 for Stoff to do a guest vocal spot on Solemn's album. Unfortunately Solemn could only cough up $500, but Stoff still accepted the money.

Solemn tells Storm that Stoff then disappeared and never did the guest spot. That's when Asking Alexandria guitarist Ben Bruce stepped in and gave Solemn his money back, which is pretty commendable on Bruce's behalf. He had no obligation to do so, as Stoff took the money before he was even in Asking Alexandria, but he wanted to make good.

Sumerian Records founder Ash Avildsen in the second Asking Alexandria/Stoff story we published said he has texts and emails from Stoff proving how shady he was, and though that's all yet to be seen this certainly adds to that claim.


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