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Breakups & Shakeups

Mike Portnoy Quits ADRENALINE MOB To Much Confusion Among Fans

Hey, remember that one time Mike Portnoy started Adrenaline Mob and then quit? Me too! Kinda like Dream Theater, but less people care now.

Before you get all mad about my comment, know that I defended Portnoy for a long time over his decision to quit Dream Theater. I thought they were douches and not him. Now it just seems like he just does whatever he wants and then… whatever. The statement obtained from Portnoy via the kind folks over at Skulls n' Bones:

It saddens me to announce that the four upcoming shows in Latin America this month supporting Halestorm will be my last with Adrenaline Mob. Unfortunately, I have scheduling conflicts that prevent me from being able to fully commit to the band’s future activities at the moment. As I cannot be in two places at the same time, I don’t want to hold them back and have to wait for my schedule to re-open up to resume activity. I’m very proud of what we started together and the music we made over the past two years and I wish the guys all the best in the future.

What's so important? My guess is he's recording an instrumental album with keyboardist Vivien Lalu. Lalu had mentioned it a little while back and then said nothing. Now, as opposed to his almost regular usage of social media, Lalu hasn't been on at all. Maybe they're recording and that's why Portnoy left? Or maybe Lalu just has a life and Portnoy is doing other important guy stuff that important guys do. I really don't know.

Update from editor:: We have learned that Mike will be focusing on his new project with Billy Sheehan and Ritchie Kotzen, Winery Dogs.

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