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CATTLE DECAPITATION's Travis Ryan Recalls Playing Our Gameshow Death Or No Death


Metal Injection junkie Ross Gnarly is not just a reader of the site, he's a blogger in his own right. He recently caught up with Travis Ryan, vocalist of Cattle Decapitation and asked him about his appearance on the RIP a Livecast's most popular gameshow, Death Or No Death. Here is what Travis had to say about it:

A while back, you were a guest on the RIP a Livecast. How was it being on that and playing ā€œDeath or No Death?ā€

I was in shock at how many band names were really legit and that Iā€™d never heard of. The coolest part was listening back to the previous episode before the one I did and hearing them reference my old band Anal Flatulence which was a band not many people have heard at all. That was really special to me since it was just a couple of my friends and I in high school and here it was being referenced on a metal show. That was really neat.

It all comes together in the end. Check out the full interview here and you can listen to the first Death or No Death (as well as the third one) after the jump…

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Cattle Decapitation has a lot of great material, in case you forgot.


Shout out to photographer Rae Chatten.