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CYNIC's Paul Masvidal Says "Sebastian Bach Did The Right Thing" Leaving Interview After "Homophobic" Halford Joke

I wholeheartedly agree with Paul.

paul masvidal cynic

Vocalist Sebastian Bach recently walked out of an interview with the SDR show, after comedian Big Jay Oakerson made an inappropriate remark towards Rob Halford. During the interview, Bach was discussing vocal exercises when Bach revealed his friend and Judas Priest vocalist Rob Halford never has to do vocal exercises. Oakerson then made the highly original joke that "[Halford’s] exercise is probably something gay he doesn’t wanna tell ya. You gotta gargle jizz, but I dunno how to tell you that, Sebastian" and Bach ended the interview.

Halford took the comments in stride when he was interviewed by the same show the following week, saying “I don’t gargle, I swallow. And… I’ve always wanted to be roasted at a comic roast, so if you guys, at some point, after this pandemic is over, if you can put me in that roast chair, I would love that.”

Cynic vocalist Paul Masvidal, who is also gay, has chimed in via Instagram, saying Bach was right to leave the show

"Sebastian Bach did the right thing:

"Bach was honorable in walking out of the Sex, Drugs & Rock n’ Roll Show. What no one is talking about here is how homophobia is culturally perpetuated when a comic can use the word ‘gay’ in a derogatory way disguised as humor. Straight dudes need to stop being dickheads and realize how primitive and dumb they sound when they make comments like this. It’s demoralizing to reduce someone to a crass sexual stereotype. And this ain’t about being uptight. It’s about ending the normalization of homophobic bullshit. And in the same way that Bach has grown up since the days he’d wear “AIDS: kills fags dead” T-shirts, Big Jay Oakerson needs to as well. He shouldn't feel justified because Halford defused it. We need more of this as a precedent for how to be a decent, evolved human being in today's world. Thank you, Sebastian."

Halford guested on Oakerson's show the next week and confronted the situation extremely well, saying "I don’t gargle, I swallow. And… I’ve always wanted to be roasted at a comic roast, so if you guys, at some point, after this pandemic is over, if you can put me in that roast chair, I would love that."

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