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DANZIG Ditches Minneapolis Show

By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann

When it comes to doucheiness, Glenn Danzig is second only to Gene Simmons. You may think that Lars Ulrich would take the silver medal, but good ol' Glenn may have just overtaken him in the Olympics of self-obsessed rock stars. When I worked for a distribution center specializing in metal releases, we were scheduled to send out special edition Danzig urns to commemorate the release of Deth Red Sabaoth. We were all set to send out the urns, which came with a copy of the CD, a 7" single and a signed poster. The only problem was that Glenn was too lazy to sign the damn posters on time for the release, which delayed the packing of the box sets for over 2 weeks. When the signed posters finally arrived, this is what we saw:

DANZIG Ditches Minneapolis ShowSee that silver squiggle? Yeah, that was Danzig's signature. After waiting over 2 weeks and receiving dozens of angry phone calls and emails from fans waiting for their orders, this is what we were forced to send them. Needless to say, the calls didn't stop.

Danzig disrespected his fans once again this past Tuesday, when he refused to play at a venue called The Cabooze in Minneapolis. According to Cabooze booker Jason Aukes, Danzig walked into the club that afternoon for a soundcheck with his band, stayed for a good 30 seconds, and immediately walked out, saying, "I can't play here." No explanation was given as to why Douchezig refused to play the show until later today, when his publicist released the following statement:

"Due to production issues with the venue that were out of our control, Danzig regretfully canceled his performance at The Cabooze in Minneapolis last night."

DANZIG Ditches Minneapolis Show

The Cabooze staff had already been bending over backwards to meet the demands of the former Misfits frontman, which included bringing in metal detectors for his fans to submit to, a first in Cabooze club history. When booker Aukes was asked his opinion on why Danzig chose to blow off the gig, he stated:

"It's a bit of an odd-shaped room, I admit," Aukes said. "But his booking agent and management knew exactly what to expect — and he would have too, if he and gotten up off his butt and come down here earlier instead of making his crew set up all their gear for nothing. One of the reasons he's down to playing rooms this small is because he acts like this."

The club was respectful enough to give their patrons a full refund and still pay the opening bands, allowing them to play their sets for those who decided to stick around. I hope The Cabooze made some money at the bar, because they took a pretty big financial hit, all due to the actions of one selfish, washed up man-child. So here's to Jason Aukes and the staff of The Cabooze, who deserve some serious cred for taking the high road and remaining selfless in an unethical industry. Lets reward them and the disappointed fans by giving them something to feel good about… a bouncer knocking Danzig the fuck out. Enjoy!


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