Back in 2014, founding Entombed vocalist Lars Goran Petrov split from the group and began releasing music under the moniker Entombed A.D. alongside ex-Entombed members Nico Elgstrand, Olle Dahlstedt, and
Victor Brandt. Entombed remained as Nicke Andersson, Ulf Cederlund, and Alex Hellid, and naturally a lawsuit broke out over who owned the right to the Entombed name.
Now the Swedish Court of First Instance (Patent and Market Court [PMD] at Stockholm District Court) has found Andersson, Cederlund, and Hellid as the sole owners of the Entombed trademark, potentially leaving Goran and his group totally screwed.
Here's what Entombed had to say about the lawsuit to Blabbermouth.
"Naturally, we are delighted with the decision of the courts. It's a great relief that this issue is now finally ruled on and we can return to focusing on giving people more Entombed. We have discussed ideas and plans of what we want to do and look forward to working together on creating the best possible Entombed for the future, both in the recording studio and in a live setting."
So what does this mean for Entombed A.D.? Well in 2014, Petrov was awarded the right to tour and release music under the name, though that may change now that the Entombed trio owns the name. so things may remain a little messy.