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EXMORTUS Are The Latest Victims of the Disney Banhammer

The Cali thrash outfit no longer allowed to play House of Blues venues on Disney property.

The Cali thrash outfit no longer allowed to play House of Blues venues on Disney property.

The Disney banhammer is one of the most ridiculous and innocuously trivial rules I've ever seen. Basically, the company wants to remain family friendly so itbarres any musicians with offensive lyrics. Previous banhammer victims include Machine Head, SkeletonwitchExodus and Warbringer. Now you can add Cali thrash punks Exmortus to that list:

I guess tracks like "Immortality Made Flesh" and "Kneel Before the Steel" are too much for Disney head honchos. It's pretty ridiculous, but then again, maybe people should start avoiding Disney House of Blues' venues? Easier said than done.


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