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Gene Simmons Was At The Pentagon Yesterday, Giving A Press Briefing

He did it for the troops!

kiss gene simmons pentagon
Photo by Barbara Starr

The press briefing room at the Pentagon (for those out of the country, that's the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) hasn't been used for official business since May 31, 2018. The last time it was used was last October when actor Gerard Butler was promoting a movie. But yesterday, the literal dust from the lectern was brushed off as the room welcomed KISS frontman and metal merchandise peddler Gene Simmons.

Simmons was there to "thank the troops" according to reports. He also talked about the values his mother instilled in him as she survived the concentration camps and came to America. Tarap Coop reports "Simmons choked back tears as he told the room how his mother was 14 when she was put in a Nazi concentration camp, survived, gave birth to him in Israel and came to America. He was there to help promote military service and thank the service members assembled." He posed for some photos with service members.

Simmons, and his wife Shannon Tweed, were then stopped coming up to the White House. When a reporter asked Simmons if he planned to meet with Trump, he shrugged.

Perhaps, Simmons is politicking for a cabinet position in Trump's White House. The two are longtime friends and Simmons famously appeared on a season of The Apprentice. Previously, Simmons has called Trump a "Tourette's president" saying:

"But I know the man, by the way — we hung and all that stuff. What you see is what you get. He says stupid things, and so do you, and so [do] I. I'm not validating it, but… There's not a human being that walks on the face of the planet that privately hasn't made racist or anti-Semitic or anti-women jokes, or anti-Irish jokes. Privately, everybody does it. He is a Tourette's president who will say whatever he wants, and he doesn't give a fuck if you approve of him, and he's doing the job for one dollar. I like that."

What a wild time in history! Trump has previously welcomed Kid Rock and Ted Nugent to the White House.

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