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Gothenburg Sweden's Awesome Metal Bar, THE ABYSS, Needs Your Help!



Like many, traveling happens to be one of my biggest passions in life. And as a metal head, it becomes instinct to seek out the metal / rock stop everywhere in the world I go. A place that feels like home away from home, a place you feel you belong, a place where the liquor is sharp, the tunes are loud, and the hair is long. For me, one of those places is The Abyss, one of my favorite metal bars, in one of the most metal places, Gothenburg Sweden.

Gothenburg Sweden's Awesome Metal Bar, THE ABYSS, Needs Your Help!

Just 10 months ago, I found myself exploring the bathroom walls of this hesher-riffic bar, which are filled floor to ceiling with rare 80's club fliers from all the metal greats, thinking how it feels like I'm back home at Duff's bar in Brooklyn. It was exciting to be in a metal bar, in one of the most metal cities in the world, home of legends like At The Gates, In Flames, Soilwork and more. Although it was an off-night, I learned that they do hosts live metal acts, and feature a menu in a language I can read, which only made me want to return someday.

Unfortunately, it appears The Abyss is now in fear of losing their location, unless they purchase it from the landlords outright. With this news, they ask for metal heads around the world to donate via their GoFundMe page, and help save The Abyss from closing down. With your help, Gothenburg's metal living room can stay alive, and be there when you visit this amazing city in the flesh. Anything helps, so head on over to the donation page and do your part in keeping the Gothenburg metal scene going!

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