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Heavy Metal Movies Is A Book You're Going To Want To Read

Bazillion Points Books, the same publisher who put out books like Swedish Death Metal by Daniel Ekeroth and Mean Deviation: Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal by Jeff Wagner among a ton others, has announced they'll be releasing Mike "McBeardo" McPadden's Heavy Metal Movies book in May of this year! According to the book's page on Bazillion Points website:

"Heavy metal and high-thrill cinema have been joined together like mutant twins since before Black Sabbath took the name of a chilling Italian horror film in 1970. The unadulterated journey of Heavy Metal Moviesspans concert movies and trippy midnight flicks, inspirational depictions of ancient times and future apocalypses, and raw hand-held digital video obsessions. As brash, irreverent, and visceral as both the music and the movies themselves, Heavy Metal Movies is the ultimate guidebook to the complete molten musical cinema experience."

This should be a really interesting read, or at least one of great fulfillment considering it's 576 pages! There's also a sick pre-order option that includes "case a color fabric patch (for your denim movie vest) and a super-powerful hand-crafted artisan barf bag for your protection against the shocking secrets of [the book]."

I'm pretty sure I'm pre-ordering it, because everyone needs a nice barf bag. You can pre-order yours right here.

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