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Hey NY: Celebrate Labor Day By Doing Deaf At The SLEEP Show


It's almost Labor Day weekend, and without a doubt, the best part about this particular weekend for me will be seeing Sleep, another band in a long string of bands I thought I would never see live. The above clip, which I found on the show announcement page is basically what sealed the seal for me. Not because the clip is of stellar quality, it's probably just some dude with a digital camera or something. No. What made this awesome is the level of distortion in the audio. The feeble camera mic cannot handle the epic sounds being produced by Matt Pike & co. I want to say I have an idea of how loud it will be in the Brooklyn Masonic Temple on Monday, but I think I am in for a big surprise. I need to remember my earplugs for this one.

As the icing on the cake, motherfuckin' Doomriders are direct support. Doomriders! A band I have been gushing about to anybody in earshot (and even to frontman Nate Newton himself) for the last year. If you like rock and roll music, there is no way you cannot appreciate Doomriders. On top of those two great bands, local doom favorites Unearthly Trance will kick things off in style.

So after you are done grilling your burgers, drinking them brewskies and smoking those doobs, hop on the train or get in your car and head on over. Tickets are still available at Ticketweb

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