Originally Kiss guitarist Paul Stanley was diagnosed with COVID, and then so was bassist and vocalist Gene Simmons. Simmons said on Twitter that he's doing just fine thanks to the vaccine, and is reading Kiss comic books.
"During my quarantine (thanks to the vaccine, I’m really fine. Thanks you for asking.) my security guy bought me this comic, which was in the display window of a comic book store. KISS Comics Monthly. Get em!"
When a fan pointed out that vaccinated people can still get COVID, Simmons agreed and pointed out that the point of the vaccine is to keep people out of the hospital. Not to prevent illness entirely. Simmons also encourage the guy to do some homework before attempting a "gotcha" moment.
"Joe, vaccine protects you about 95%. However, you can still get Delta Covid variant. I did…But the effects are minimal, if you’ve been vaccinated twice. Without vaccine = hospital, pain and maybe death. Do your research. You’ll come off much brighter."