Beyond all the usual lyrical content regarding violence, war, and death, nobody (that isn't an actual psychopath) wants any of those things to happen. In an Instagram post, Kreator's Millie Petrozza calls out metal fans who can't seem to differentiate between fictional lyrics about war and actual real life where real people are dying at the hands of another country's government. In Petrozza's own words, "Call me a naive hippie or find a new favorite band."
"In the year 2022 we should be on the edge of a spiritual transformation, but it seems like we are moving back into the Neanderthal. War can never be justified! And to those that give me the '….but what about your lyrics? Flag of hate? You are not metal, etc' Understand one thing: where there is war, there is no concerts, festivals, music. We were about to play a tour for our fans in both Ukraine and Russia next month. And now? Nothing but pain, death, fear and suffering on both sides. The people are the ones that have to pay for this insanity. Like so many times in the history of mankind. Again!
"Kreator stands for peace, music and a worldwide unity of like minded individuals, regardless of cultural, religious or material background.
"Call me a naive hippie or find a new favorite band.
"Real war is NOT Metal! It’s hell on earth!
"Have a nice day!"