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LAMB OF GOD bassist "gets it" when it comes to file-sharing

log-campbellLast year I had the pleasure of interviewing Randy from LAMB OF GOD, Bjorn from SOILWORK and Dez of DEVILDRIVER all at the same time. I thought this would be a good time to ask all of their views on downloading. Randy and Bjorn said it was pretty much accepted but Dez was outright pissed saying iTunes needs to have stricter DRM (good luck with that) and other zany ideas so he could have his platinum records (Watch the interview here). Anyway, it's cool then that somebody like LAMB OF GOD bassit John Campbell absolutely fucking nailed it when the Arizona Republic asked him about illegal downloading:

There are some legalities to it but as an artist, having your art being spread around to as many people as possible is actually pretty beneficial. We are here to make records not sell them. That's the record company's job and the industry is changing dramatically from a time when I think maybe they were making a little bit too much money. Labels are scrambling to re-organize and figure out what it means to be a record label in the Internet age.

I couldn't have said it better myself!

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