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MACHINE HEAD Recruit DECAPITATED Guitarist Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka

Drummer Matt Alston also joined.

machine head vogg robb flynn

The mystery over Machine Head's new lineup is over! The band's coming Burn My Eyes tour features guitarist Logan Mader, who played on the record and was in Machine Head between 1991 and 1998; and drummer Chris Kontos, who did the same and was in the band between 1994 and 1995. The band's coming single features Warbringer drummer Carlos Cruz. None of these people were official replacements for guitarist Phil Demmel or drummer Dave McClain.

Now in two separate videos, guitarist and vocalist Robb Flynn has announced Machine Head's two new members – Decapitated guitarist Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka and Devilment drummer Matt Alston. Check out each of the new members in videos below.

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