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MACHINE HEAD Seeks To Dismiss Former Bassist Adam Duce's Lawsuit Against Them

The slowest lawsuit.

The slowest lawsuit.

Back in January it was made known that former Machine Head bassist Adam Duce was trying to sue the band for alleged trademark infringement, breach of partnership agreement and defamation and a whole slew of other things too long to list here (though you can get the full-on dirt here).

Now, Machine Head are retaliating against Duce, saying that he has "failed to state a claim for federal trademark infringement" and "has failed to state any claim against [Machine Head's new bassist] Jared MacEachern or [Machine Head's new record label] Nuclear Blast," all of who were named in Duce's lawsuit.

This seems to have been kept fairly quiet this whole time so who knows when the next bit of information will dribble out. In the meantime we can get excited that Machine Head are releasing a new song on Apr. 19!

[via Blabbermouth]

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