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Photo: MACHINE HEAD's Robb Flynn Is Now Diaper-Free

No more Robb Flynn diapers. Damn.

No more Robb Flynn diapers. Damn.

Machine Head's Robb Flynn is a serious trooper. The dude has toured sick, has toured after being sick and has most recently toured while shitting in his pants. As in, the man was actually defecating in the pants and had to wear diapers while playing. Not that Flynn seems to gave given a shit (hah!), as he made it a pretty big deal on the Internet and thought it was hilarious… which it was.

Now we must fondly bid Robb "Shit Pants" Flynn a warm, clean-underwear goodbye.

Just in case you were wondering exactly what was going on with the relationship between Robb Flynn and his butthole, there it is.

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