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MARDUK Comments On Show Cancellation Over Nazi Accusations

"The whole thing about that, I think, was really blown out of proportion. It's actually a handful of kids who decide they wanna judge what people should listen to or see."

"The whole thing about that, I think, was really blown out of proportion. It's actually a handful of kids who decide they wanna judge what people should listen to or see."

On Saturday, February 18, Marduk and Incantation were supposed to play the Oakland Metro Opera House. The show was cancelled over concerns for the public's safety and venue's safety, namely because people thought they were Nazis, and also because of the recent Berkley riots over Milo Yiannopolous.

Guitarist Morgan Steinmeyer Håkansson recently spoke to Metal Wani, saying the whole thing was blown out of proportion, and they'll be back to play the venue in August or September.

"The whole thing about that, I think, was really blown out of proportion. It's actually a handful of kids who decide they wanna judge what people should listen to or see. It's the way they work there — not satisfied with anything in their lives, so they demonstrate and cause problems for other people. So I think it was really blown out of proportion. But the police decided to cancel it because of security reasons. Otherwise, the show would have happened, because the promoters wanted to do it, we wanted to do it. So it was just really blown out of proportion and giving air to those kind of people, so it was a bit retarded. But we'll be back over there. We're going back already in August/September."

Håkansson says a new album is also already being worked on, and if you want to dig into that above comment a little bit, I guess there's going to be some sort of killer black metal tour coming to American in either August or September!


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