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MASTODON's Brent Hinds Got Booted From Ozzfest Once For Pooping Everywhere High On 'Shrooms

Brent Hinds continues to make metal fans love him.

Brent Hinds continues to make metal fans love him.

Mastodon's Brent Hinds is one of the most divisive characters in metal on the heels of saying he hates heavy metal and doesn't want to be in a heavy metal band. Hinds also loves to get in trouble. At the top of the year, he got kicked out of the Grammys for dropping his weed everywhere. Turns out it wasn't the first time he got kicked out of a party for being high.

Devil You Know's Howard Jones revealed to Jamey Jasta on his podcast that one time in 2005, Hinds got thrown out of Ozzfest for taking shrooms, being a menace and shitting everywhere. According to a quote transcribed by The PRP, Jones doesn't exactly hold back on the details.

“‘Ozzfest‘ was always glorious, man. Like the time we got there really early and Brentfrom Mastodon was on mushrooms and he’s just banging on our bus, our bus driver comes and just pushes him away. He’s just like ‘Killswitch wake up!’ and [the driver] like pushes him away. And I ended up being the first one out and he was like ‘did you hear that? Some guy was just knocking for you’ and I was like ‘no.’

And apparently Brent started running around naked and then he ran into like the men’s bathroom and security jumped on him, because when they saw him, he’s naked and he’s standing on top of the sink trying to crap in it. So then, they’re like ‘stop that,’ ‘get over here’ and he runs, pushes through them because he’s naked, runs down and they’re like ‘stop! stop!’ and he’s all ‘fine’, waits and then squat and just projectiles everywhere—needless to say they did not play that day.”

Alright for real, do people actually like Brent Hinds or do they just like his music? I've never met the dude so I can't comment on the guy, but every story seems to end with him saying something people hate him for or doing something that gets him kicked out of a place.

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