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NAILS To Record You Will Never Be One Of Us This December With Kurt Ballou

Ugh, great. Now who am I going to sit with at lunch?

Ugh, great. Now who am I going to sit with at lunch?

Nails is one of those bands that couldn't sound like anything but a savage attack on your eardrums even if they tried. Everything about Nails is just distorted, loud and frankly, totally fed up with all your bullshit. So you better start getting way, way angrier than you currently are to prepare yourself for the band's new record You Will Never Be One Of Us out sometime in 2016 via Nuclear Blast.

"In fear of sounding redundant of how 97% of these pre-album release descriptions always come off, I won't try to describe how our new album You Will Never Be One Of Us sounds. What I will tell you is that the same care and the same attention went into this album as our previous albums Unsilent Death and Abandon All Life, and our new album sounds as inspired as either of those two full length recordings.

"Our new record has some new twists and turns that are built off the foundation we laid with our previous albums, as well as a lot of familiarity that you've come to expect from Nails. You Will Never Be One Of Us is for us, for our fans, and for anybody else who feels disgusted and fed-up with social-climbing impostors, trying to leech off of anything they've ever dedicated themselves to. I can say with 110% certainty: We will not let you down."

Did I mention the band is recording with Kurt Ballou? Just in case you were wondering if the new album will sound like ten tons of bricks being dropped on your face at all its (it will). Also, why are you still reading this? Shouldn't your fist be through your monitor by now?

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