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OZZY OSBOURNE Doesn't Understand How He Made It To 71 Years Old And Some Of His Friends Didn't

"It's the luck of the draw," he tells Zane Lowe.

ozzy osbourne 2020

Ozzy Osbourne has led one hell of a life. Aside from a legendary music career, Osbourne has simply done things that would kill the majority of us 10 times over. In an interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music, Osbourne expresses genuine amazement that he's made it to 71 years old. He cites the deaths of Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham and AC/DC vocalist Bon Scott as ones that could've easily happened to him, adding "I wasn't any better than any of them."

No, I'm not being funny and I'm not being cocky, I can remember times when I've fuckin' woke up puke down me. I've fuckin' woke up with a bed full of blood, when I've fallen down and banged my head or whatever. I mean, I've done so many, and I go, my friend John Bonam, I used to go drinking with him. He died. Bon Scott, he died. I don't know what to fuckin' say. People go, "You must have the Midas touch." Or whatever. I'm lucky. I wasn't any better than any of them. I even fuckin' would go so far as to say I was worse in some cases. But it's the luck of the draw.

71 and I don't fuckin' understand how I got there.

Ozzy recently cancelled the North American portion of his No More Tours 2, saying he's headed to Switzerland instead to begin a new treatment that will take six to eight weeks. Still, Ozzy just released his new album Ordinary Man on February 21. He tells Lowe in the same interview that it's his first recorded completely sober.

Well, I thought I could never … I thought, thought, I thought it was the drugs and the alcohol that made it all work. But it's not true. It's like, all I was doing for years is self medicating 'cause I didn't like the way I felt. But then this is the first album I've co-wrote and recorded fuckin' completely sober. Yeah. I mean, ah, I be the last album I wrote some of it stoned and some of it … But this is … I mean, ah, I quite like being s-sober now. 'Cause at least I can remember the fuckin' thing I did yesterday.

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