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OZZY OSBOURNE Reveals Who His "Rock God" Is

"He was a speed-reader! He could read really fast. He was amazing!"

ozzy osbourne 2020

Motörhead mastermind Lemmy was called God in the 1994 movie Airheads and it's pretty much stuck ever since. Dude was just a force to be reckoned with, and that's an opinion shared even by the likes of Ozzy Osbourne. In a recent BBC Radio interview, Osbourne outright called Lemmy his rock god, and then talks about how well-educated and well-read Lemmy was.

"My rock god is Lemmy Kilmister. Lemmy was a guy – he shot from the hip every time. 'That sucks,' or, 'I like that.'

"I'm good at starting lyrics, but I can't finish them. And he'd go – he'd write a bunch of lyrics for my songs – 'Mama, I'm Coming Home.'

"So, I'd give him a tape, and I had this book on World War II. I haven't read it and I told him, 'Tell me what you think. And I have a bunch of these lyrics – whenever you can…' I'm thinking, it's gonna be a week.

And he says, 'Come back in about four hours.' So I got back, and he goes, 'What do you think about these?' And I go, 'Oh, great.' He then goes, 'What about these?' I go, 'Oh, you got two…?'

"He goes, 'No, I got another one – three.' I go, 'You had written three sets of lyrics?!' He said, 'Yeah, and that book was crap!' I said, 'What book?' He says, 'The book you gave me.'

"He was a speed-reader! He could read really fast. He was amazing! You look at people like Lemmy and you think, 'Oh, he's a yob [a rude, noisy, and aggressive young person].' But he was very well-educated."

[via UG]

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