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OZZY OSBOURNE's Advice To Young Bands Is Hilarious; Maybe Not-So-Great

Ozzy Osbourne is absolutely one of the funniest people on the planet. His sense of comedic timing is bar-none, making him one of the most lovable icons in all of heavy metal. Ozzy recently recovered from a drug releapse during the recording of the Black Sabbath reunion album, when he almost tried to headlock his wife.

After being through "it all," Ozzy was recently asked if he had any advice for a young band or his young self, and his answer was magical: 

"I'm not good at giving advice to anyone else. Drink more and take as much cocaine as you can. That's what I would tell my younger self."

Amazing! Amazing!! Amazing!!!

I love you Ozzy Osbourne, never change. All joking aside, he credits his wife Sharon for getting him sober again and as the reason he is even still alive:

"I'm alive because I've got a strong wife, I think. I didn't expect to live past 30 – I remember when I was 21 saying I would be dead by 40. That was all right until I was 39½."

Black Sabbath just announced a string of Canadian tour dates for next Spring, with additional stops in New York and LA.

[ via Blabbermouth]

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