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PANTERA Bassist Rex Brown Slams Trump's Handling of Coronavirus

rex brown donald trump

One person who is not a fan of how the U.S. government or President Trump is leading the ongoing fight against coronavirus is Pantera bassist Rex Brown.

Brown shared a BBC article announcing that New Zealand is now coronavirus free and has lifted all restrictions. He shared the link with a comment on Twitter writing "Now if only…We would’ve listened to these guidelines, 3 million of us wouldn’t be sick. 140,000+ Dead & Counting. And to think that we had to listen to an “Oompahloompa” that only wants ratings, not precaution…Distgusting[sic]!!"

A fan pointed out there are 328 million people in America and only around 5 million people in New Zealand to which Rex responded "I know the #’s are disproportionate.. If everyone would just quit being the problem, we wouldn’t be where we are today!! Thx for your oversight.."

He then clarified he was explicitly criticizing Trump's response saying "It’s called “Leadership”!! That was the point I was trying to get across & failed, in my knee jerk reaction to the piece."

Sure, you can point to the population difference, but zero cases is zero cases. And the reason is because New Zealand had an actual lockdown, where you weren't allowed to leave your house. Everybody was serious about wearing masks. Arizona is only about 2.5 million people larger than New Zealand and they reported 4,000 cases yesterday, with almost 2,341 deaths since this started. New Zealand only has 22 deaths total.

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