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PERTURBATOR To get Satanically Synthy With The Uncanny Valley This May (NSFW)

GET SYNTHY! Take a shit on the floor. I'm Mr. Bulldops.

GET SYNTHY! Take a shit on the floor. I'm Mr. Bulldops.

In a world of retro-synth artists bringing forth the horror-laden soundtracks, Perturbator is pretty much Satan. Everything James Kent makes sounds like the soundtrack to some kind of horrible, futuristic murder within the confines of a dingy city drenched in neon lights and scantily-clad hooker… and guess what? It's that time again.

Perturbator will be releasing The Uncanny Valley on May 6 via Blood Music and it sounds like a serious rager. Get into it below! Or don't. Either way, Perturbator's gonna find you and murder you.


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