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RANDALL BLYTHE Says He's Gotta Make It To At Least 2025 Before Considering Retiring

That'll be 30 years of Lamb Of God.


It sucks to think about, but all our favorite rock and metal bands are gonna hang it up at some point. And of course they get asked about when that'll be more frequently as they get older. For Lamb Of God vocalist Randall Blythe, topic of retirement came up in a recent chat with Metal Hammer.

Blythe said he has no specific plans to retire the band just yet, but notes he'd not getting any younger either. As far as a more specific answer goes, Blythe said he needs to make it to 2025 so he can celebrate 30 years of Lamb Of God. Which is really, truly an impressive feat!

"I haven’t seen that exit ramp yet. That’s very specific to Lamb Of God too – not to music in general, as I plan on making music for as long as I possibly can. But nobody needs to see 70 year-old Randy Blythe up onstage jumping around and yelling ‘this is a motherfucking invitation’

“I’m such a physical performer, that’s what it is for me. Total physical immersion in our music. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do that. I know for a fact that, unless something horrible happens, if we make it to 2025, that’ll be 30 years of the band. I gotta make it to 30 years, and I think my body can take that."

And hey – at least when Blythe retires, he and Willie Adler can finally focus their energies on doing Gorilla Dick.

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