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Randy Blythe Congratulates Virginia's First Transgender Metalhead State Delegate, Danica Roem

Blythe is proud of his homestate

Blythe is proud of his homestate

Lamb of God's Randy Blythe is all about representing his home state of Virginia, so you better believe he had an opinion about Danica Roem, Virgina's (and the nation's) first out trans person to be elected and serve in a state legislature. She also happens to be a metalhead performing vocals with the band Cab Ride Home.

To make the victory even sweeter, she beat Republican incumbent Robert G. Marshall, who incidentally was responsible for writing the state's controversial bathroom bill and refused to refer to Danica as a "she." This was not lost on Blythe, who posted a message on Instagram:

FINALLY! Some GOOD news! Time to take this moment to personally congratulate this woman, Danica Roem, on her historic electoral victory over Bob Marshall, a man who described himself as his state’s “CHIEF HOMOPHOBE”- Webster’s defines HOMOPHOBIA as: “irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals” (Nice, Mister Marshall- what exactly are you scared of, btw? It’s not like you’re gonna “catch the gay” or suddenly start crossdressing.)

Why is this a historic victory? Because Roem is now the first OPENLY transgender person to run as such and then be elected to a state legislature in the history of the United States of America. What state did this happen in? MY STATE, Virginia. Oh yeah- Danica is also a writer (award-winning journalist), aaaaaaaand… a singer in a melodic DEATH METAL BAND.

By the way, America, THAT is a first, too-when was the last time you heard of a high-level elected official who was a raging Dark Tranquility fan? Or who could discuss Cannibal Corpse in any manner other than a potential court case? So Danica, if you read this, as a fellow Virginian, writer, vocalist in a metal band, & OPEN-MINDED HUMAN BEING- CONGRATS. Good luck, & don’t let the bastards grind you down. You’re gonna need it…

The metal world needs more open-minded people like Blythe and Roem to help push the liberal agenda that George Soros is funding us to push. Thanks, George.

Brendon Small actually put it best:


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