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REVOCATION Frontman Announces "Jazzy, Prog Grunge-Goth" New Band GARGOYL

Not a typo, by the way.


Gargoyl is the new band featuring Revocation frontman and guitarist Dave Davidson on guitar and bass, Luke Roberts of Ayahuasca doing the same while acting as the vocalist, and drummer Josh Park. Gargoyl plans on releasing their demo sometime this year and has one hell of a description when it comes to how they're going to sound. So maybe don't come into this expecting an iteration of Revocation, because I'm pretty sure that's not at all what this is.

A blend of jazzy prog and frenzied grunge-goth, Gargoyl don’t settle on any one genre marker. They prefer to forge their own niche in the musical ether with quiet subconscious exploration exploding into driving backbeats and soaring vocal harmonies. Featuring spastic metal outfit Ayahuasca's Luke Roberts on guitar and vocals alongside the virtuosic talents of Revocation mastermind Dave Davidson, this fresh collaboration sees the artists expand their current repertoire to create something that incorporates metal but grows outside its confines. Sophisticated meters and polyrhythmic percussion punctuate the sense of groove and movement, while meandering melodies reflect a dark experimentation. Ambitious, compelling, and idiosyncratic, the outfit's debut will surely grip the attention of fans hungry for something brand new.

Here's what Davidson had to say about the band.

Very pleased to announce my new band GARGOYL. I’ve been quietly working on this project for awhile alongside my co-collaborator Luke Roberts who you may know from his work in Ayahuasca. Over the last year the music has really evolved into something truly special and I can’t wait to share a taste with you all soon. In the meantime please follow Gargoyl and spread the word.

Keep up with Gargoyl here.

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