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Robb Flynn Reconsidering Playing MACHINE HEAD's "Davidian" Live After The Las Vegas Shootings

I think we might know why.

I think we might know why.

Machine Head's debut album Burn My Eyes in 1994 gave the band an immediate live gem – "Davidian." Machine Head plays the song at pretty much every single show, though after the Route 91 Harvest shootings in Las Vegas that left 59 dead and at least 500 injured, frontman Robb Flynn isn't so sure he wants to play the song anymore.

We'd imagine this is due to the lyrics "I'll never live in the past / Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast" and "The bullet connects at last / Let freedom ring with a shotgun blast."

I am in favor of gun control. That motherfucker—everybody heard about the horrible Las Vegas, the horrible horrible… That dude had 23 assault rifles in his fucking hotel room—that is fucking insane to me. That is fucking insane to me, you know? It’s a fucking horrible, it’s a horrible thing that happened in Las Vegas. It’s fucking appalling. When I first heard the news yesterday morning, I couldn’t even put it together…

This morning, I thought I don’t ever want to fucking play ‘Davidian‘ again, that’s what I thought this morning. I straight up was like—I even texted it to the dudes, like ‘I don’t want to ever play ‘Davidian‘ again’, like fuck man. It’s fucking crazy. We probably will, we didn’t discuss it and that’s just how I feel right at the moment, but I fucking… It’s some scary shit, it’s fucking crazy out there right now. What the fuck is going on with people right now? It’s fucking crazy.

Ultimately it's Robb's music and the band's decision as to if they want to continue with the song live or not, though it's pretty obvious why Flynn and crew might feel a little uncomfortable playing the track live.


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