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Scott Ian Wants ANTHRAX To Be LADY GAGA's Backing Band

Or do an album together. Either/or.

Or do an album together. Either/or.

Lady Gaga has proven she's a metal head over the years, namely through performing with Metallica and admitting she got up at 5 in the morning to grab the new Iron Maiden album. Now Scott Ian of Anthrax tells Duke TV that he's met Gaga before, knows she's a metalhead, and would love for Anthrax to either be her backing band live or to do a studio album with her.

"I don't know what their plans are — if Metallica has more plans with Lady Gaga or if she has plans with Metallica — but we would certainly love to write a song together, or a whole album. Let us be your backing band. Let us be your backing band, Lady Gaga. We could make beautiful music together."

Ian also praises her voice, saying "I've said since the beginning, since the first time I ever heard her voice, I always thought, 'Wow, I would really love to hear her sing on a rock record, metal record." Who knows? Maybe there'll be an Anthrax, Metallica & Lady gaga super album in the future! Or more live performances – whatever, they've been pretty cool so far.


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