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SUICIDE SILENCE "Thinking About" Continuing With Their Current Sound, According to Guitarist

It seems as though I am in the minority when it comes to liking the new sound Suicide Silence explored on their last album. Fans very much rejected it, as the band saw their lowest sales figures since their debut. This has led to questions about if Suicide Silence would return to their older sound.

It seems like the band isn't quite ready to just jump back into old music. Suicide Silence guitarist Mark Heylmun was recently interviewed by "Mike James Rock Show," and was asked if the band will continue with their new sound on the next album:

"We're really thinking about it. We're always thinking about it. I think that one, we're still going to go into it with the 'mystery,' because I think the mystery is a lot of what of the goodness of the music fucking sick, is like you don't know what's going to come out and when it does, you're, like, 'There it is.' On the other end, we went into this last record, full mystery, like, 'We don't know what's going to happen.' Now we have a bag of tricks that we learned from while writing this record and we're going to utilize what we did with this last one and just meld everything that we've done in the past and get gnarly. I know that we probably are going to end up having some super-, super-heavy shit, but at the same time, we are having a good time with the fucking melodrama and writing really chill songs."

When asked if he thinks fans will join him on the journey with the next album:

"What better time to make a fucking crazy shift then when we're 15 years deep as a band? We're going to have another 15 years ahead of us and it's, like, I forgot who said it, but it was like 'McDonald's comes out with a new burger, they don't take the Big Mac off the menu.' We have all our old shit, it's all there. It's cool if you want to fucking hate us because we did something you don't approve of, but then who the fuck is the idiot at that point?"

Heylmun contends that the band didn't do this to get on the radio, but it was where the band wanted to go.

"We could have changed our name and wrote a record and tried to fucking… I don't know. I think the general consensus is that there's a view on bands that it's,, like, 'Oh, every band is trying to become fucking famous and become huge and get on the radio and do all of this stuff.' When a band like Suicide Silence starts clean singing, you don't get an open ear as much. You just get, 'Oh, what the fuck are these guys trying to do?' They don't listen to it and think about like, maybe this is 'real.' Maybe this isn't an attempt at being something they're not."

Interestingly, earlier in the interview, Heylmun hints at where the band might've gone had Mitch not died tragically in that motorcycle accident in 2012:

"We have to. We knew it. We wanted to go further when Eddie [Hermida, vocals] joined the band. In all reality, we wanted to go fucking super-deep if Mitch [Lucker, vocals] wouldn't have passed [in 2012]. There was so many things we had said and footsteps we had pre-thrown out there that we were going to step into and follow. We had plans for every record until our tenth record. Like, we really talked about that shit. Losing Mitch and all that, it's, like, we kind of had to take a new road, a new way to go about it. Doing [2014's] 'You Can't Stop Me', we felt, 'Well, we wrote a 'maintenance record.' We wrote a record that's not exactly what we would have done if we weren't in that situation.' We wrote a record that makes people stoked that SUICIDE SILENCE is still a band; let's make some heavy shit. Post that record, it didn't satisfy us as much as we would have liked it to. So, let's go do some fucking weird shit. Let's jam together, let's fucking see what comes out naturally and where we are going as individuals, as a band, like, where are we going?"

We are definitely excited and curious about where Suicide Silence take their sound on their next record and we will be listening.



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According to guitarist Mark Heylmun.

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