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Tech-Death Tuesday: Repulsive Dissection And Atlas Entity Turn Your Face Into A Sinkhole

Hey there all you deranged people in the world viewing this! I regret to inform you that it is not indeed time for wheel of fortune, sometimes I get confused about that. This is disappointing news I'm sure. However, we have something far better than that to offer your ears. It's time for Tech-Death Tuesday to melt your brain and hollow you out.  If you're just joining us for the first time, this is a weekly series focused on sharing shredtastic music that will generally be new to most people. I hope that you like this enough to check back next Tuesday for more tasty technical jams. But until that time, please do as Archspire suggests, and Stay Tech out there.

Repulsive Dissection- Church Of The Five Precious Wounds


I've been following multi-national based plague bringers Repulsive Dissection for a few years after hearing their 2009 full-length, Cut Open the Aberration.  As much as I enjoyed that record, it was the kind of release where you hear flashes of brilliance amidst material that doesn't stand out overall. So when I hear albums like that which show real promise, I stick around in the hope that the band will evolve. Having said that, nothing could prepare me for the massive step-up that Church Of The Five Precious Wounds is over its predecessor.


While there are plenty of bands who seek to combine brutal death metal with technical death metal, few if any have united them together as brilliantly and originally as Repulsive Dissection do. Too often bands in this sub-genre are so focused on bowling you over that they lack any memorable moments and everything becomes a rather boring blur. Repulsive Dissection sidestep that pitfall with some of the most insane guitar-work I've ever heard and also by not being very slam heavy. Which is excellently married to more diverse and varying song structures than is par for the course for this sound. Every other member is just as top-notch, I just highlighted the guitar-work because it's very impressive and really helps them stand above the pack. If you're looking for a dose of twisted brutality with your tech-death, look no further. Church Of The Five Precious Wounds has everything you are looking for in spades.


Atlas Entity- Enceladus


Taken only on the merits of the quality of the music it contains, Enceladus is a very impressive four song EP by an upstart Floridian act named Atlas Entity. However when you take into account that Atlas Entity is a one-man solo act, that's about the point where my jaw drops and remains on the floor. Sole member Alex Gallegos is the man behind the band, and he handles all guitars, bass, and vocal work. Alex then got a session drummer to lay down drum tracks to accompany the fantastic songs he created. But he didn't just get a nobody, he got Samus Paulicelli, who drums for none other than death metal legends Decrepit Birth. And its a good thing Alex was able to get him, because a drummer as good as Samus brings a lot with him experience and creativity wise.


As for where this falls on the tech spectrum, it's hyper-melodic, with thrashy undertones, and the occasional blackened serpentine twists. It almost sounds like a progressive melodic death metal band put into a tech-death body. This makes for a very interesting listen that's quite catchy while being incredibly complex.  Which is a hard feat to pull off that few technical death metal bands get right. Which isn't to say being catchy is what matters in this genre, merely that Enceladus being so catchy helps it stick out more in my estimation. Here's to hoping more Atlas Entity is on the way sooner than later!

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