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THE ACACIA STRAIN Finishes Their New Record

No word on if those dogs make an appearance.

No word on if those dogs make an appearance.

We reported in late March The Acacia Strain were in the studio, specifically recording guitars and bass at the time. Now, according to their label Rise Records, the band has finished the record and plan on releasing it in the summer. The record was produced by Will Putney (Impending Doom) and will be the group's first full-length without former guitarist Daniel Laskiewicz.

I was a big fan of their Above / Below 7" they put out in 2013 with new guitarists Devin Shidaker and Richard Gomez, so bring on the long play now! Here's what Rise Records had to say, by way of Lambgoat.

"Just talked to Vincent from The Acacia Strain. He said the band just finished tracking the new record (roar of huge cheers). They play NE Metalfest this weekend and then head overseas to Australia/NZ. Upon returning they will prepare for the summer tour season and album release."

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