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THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER Frontman Thinks SUICIDE SILENCE's New Record Is "Pretty Ballsy"

"I think it’s a cool record for what it is but it’s definitely different. I would’ve expected this backlash. It’s very drastic."

"I think it’s a cool record for what it is but it’s definitely different. I would’ve expected this backlash. It’s very drastic."

To say that Suicide Silence's recent self-titled album has caused a bit of a stir is an incredible understatement. Suicide Silence has drawn about as much ire as I remember Metallica & Lou Reed's Lulu drawing when it came out, and that's a pretty difficult one to live up to. Though to be fair, I'd say more people probably dig Suicide Silence than do Lulu.

In an interview with Metal Wani (below), The Black Dahlia Murder frontman Trevor Strnad discusses the album a little bit. He says the record is "pretty ballsy, pretty drastic," though digs it for what it ultimately is.

So I understand you guys are quite close with the guys over at Suicide Silence. Have you had a chance to hear their latest album, and if so, how do you feel about their drastic change in direction?

Yeah, I have heard it, I’ve heard a good bit of it. I think it was pretty ballsy, pretty drastic. I wish them the best, I love them, I love the guys. I think it’s a cool record for what it is but it’s definitely different. I would’ve expected this backlash. It’s very drastic. I wish them the best and I hope it plays out in the way that they want, but who knows at this point.

Absolutely. When you’re breaking from a mold so outrageously you’re not gonna have everyone happy. There’s people who just want bands to release the same album over and over again.

Yeah, and he [Eddie? –Ed.] cited us as an example of one of those bands who just sticks to their guns. But I don’t think he was trying to take the piss out of us in any way. And I think that he could’ve used any band in there, because 99% of the bands don’t change, just stay the course. So it’s definitely a ballsy move. It’s a gamble, a huge gamble. I wish them the best, and that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say.

Trevor touches on a pretty big key phrase here that I think got overlooked, and that's "for what it is." The new album is absolutely not old Suicide Silence, so going into it thinking it will be is pretty much setting yourself up for immediate failure. Though if you don't like it, you don't like it – music is subjective and the world keeps turning.


[via MetalSucks]

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According to guitarist Mark Heylmun.