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The New SUNN O))) Album Will Feature This Motorcycle

We're… joking? Maybe?

We're... joking? Maybe?

A few days ago we heard 14 seconds of new Sunn O))) music and it featured more notes than most of you gave it credit for. Now the band has come out to reveal that not only will the album feature Mayhem vocalist Attila Csihar once more, but it'll also feature that motorcycle you see in the above picture. The group posted the announcement-type thing on Southern Lord's Facebook and… we think it's a joke?

New sunn O))) album features :ATTILA-VoicesSOMA-Guitar,SynthThe LORD-Bass, Guitarw/ guests: TAD, Ambarchi, B.R.A.D.,DUNN O))), & Beer/motorcycle! etc..

Posted by Southern Lord Recordings onĀ Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Who knows. Sunn O))) has never been a group that adheres to any specific rules, and the band did say that they'd be going into the studio without any plans, so maybe someone will be playing a motorcycle as percussion or something.

I honestly have no idea.

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