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Here's WHITESNAKE's David Coverdale With An Epic Takedown of Haters

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."

We don't normally cover much Whitesnake around these parts, save for the time we interviewed frontman David Coverdale on the black carpet of the Golden Gods Awards in 2011. But, Coverdale recently offered a statement I felt worthy of reposting.

Coverdale is revisiting his time as the frontman of Deep Purple with a new collection of reworked songs being released under the Whitesnake moniker. Naturally, this has lead to some blowback from "haters," and Coverdale's response to said haters is simply the best. Speaking to Classic Rock Magazine, he was asked if he saw the extreme reaction to the news:

"Yeah, of course. But have you seen the orders we have for this record? I've never made music for the haters. If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters. I've no space in my life for haters or negaters. They're not gonna buy my record. They won't buy a ticket. Why the fuck should I give a fuck? They're probably sitting at home, running their WiFi off their mother's account. I owe those people nothing. Such opinions mean nothing to me. I'm talking to you from a fucking very, very beautiful residential studio. I have a home overlooking Lake Tahoe. I'm sixty-three years old, booking a world tour, the tickets are flying out the door… The odds are not in these people's favor. They are wasting their hate."

He continued: "I won't release something unless I believe in it. I've come to a time in my life, after a very successful career, where I will do exactly what I like. Online the other day some clown wrote: 'Coverdale's well must have run dry.' Well, what you have done in your life? Over forty years I've sold more than a hundred million records and written countless fucking rock 'n' roll anthems. How fucking dare you criticize me, dude? Fuck off to your bedroom."

Aside from the cliche "living in your mom's basement" retort, I feel that everything Coverdale says here is absolutely spot on. Some inspiration words to next time somebody criticizes your band.

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