Earlier this week, it was revealed that Yob frontman Mike Scheidt underwent emergency surgery for diverticulitis. The good news is that Scheidt has checked in from the hospital and said that the surgery went well, but the bad news is that he'll need another surgery after this.
The downright scary news is that if he didn't go in for emergency surgery when he did, Scheidt would've been dead in a few days.
“Thank you so very much for the love and good vibes. It is helping so much. I can’t thank you enough.
I’ve been out of surgery for about 4 hours and finally coherent enough to write. The surgery went very well! I have a long road of recovery ahead, and will be having another surgery in 6 weeks to finalize what the surgeon did this time. I won’t go into all of the details, but the things they did to save my life seem miraculous. I will say that my intestine was badly infected and also perforated, letting air and worse into my body cavity.
The surgeon said if I had passed on treatment, and tried to white knuckle through this current attack, I would have been dead within a few days. Maybe sooner. I really dodged a bullet. I’ll be in the hospital for another 5-7 days. Then I’ll go home and continue my recovery until 6 weeks pass and then come back for the 2nd surgery.
The reason I didn’t die is because Kris Keyser( my Lady) convinced me to go to the ER, and Charlotte Scheidt (MOM) drove Kris and myself to the hospital. They saved my life. My gratitude cannot be adequately with words. My gratitude reaches to the Sun and back.
I didn’t want to leave folks not knowing what is going on. I’m ok! Much love to you all!! Cheers!!
Best Regards, Mike."
Get well, Mike!