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LEFT TO SUFFER, HIGH COMMAND & DAEVA Added To The Commute Playlist

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Left To Suffer

No matter if you're commuting to work an hour away, or commuting from your bed to the home office, we can all agree that getting up and dealing with those first groggy hours sucks. We're here to make it suck less with our ongoing playlist The Commute, which brings you all the best new metal every Monday morning.

Welcome to this week's edition of The Commute! This weeks' edition includes a Left To Suffer song co-written by Three Days Grace's drummer, the return of High Command, and some black magic from Daeva.

  1. "Snake" by Left To Suffer, which so far is a standalone single.
  2. "Siege Warfare" by High Command, from their coming album Eclipse Of The Dual Moons due out November 25.
  3. "Polluting the Sanctuary (Revolutions Against Faith)" by Daeva, from their coming album Through Sheer Will And Black Magic… due out October 14.

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