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MESHUGGAH video teaser; New 36 Crazyfists Video; GOD FORBID DVD preview; DISTURBED live

> A teaser for MESHUGGAH's Bleed video has made its way online, and it looks very awesome. Check it out here with additional stills from the shoot. I had a chance to speak with Mårten Hagström during the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival about the video, and he clued me in that the band had no time to shoot any performance for the video, so its all just narrative (story). The directors of the video, Mike Pecci and Ian McFarland, came to the band with a concept and the band gave them full control to shoot it. Sounds like its going to be awesome! If you haven't checked out our recent interview with drummer Tomas Haake, you probably should just click here.

> 36 CRAZYFISTS premiere of their new video for the track "We Gave It Hell" can be seen on the Headbanger's Blog. The clip was directed by Soren (All That Remains, Unearth) and comes from the band’s new album The Tide and Its Takers, which comes out May 27.

> GOD FORBID have posted the cover art from their upcoming DVD, Beneath the Scars of Glory and Progression. The band has also put up two live tracks from the DVD, ‘Broken Promise’ and ‘End of the World’ up at their Myspace page.

> DISTURBED will be holding a free "e-concert" streaming at

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