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What makes death metal so good? What formula will prove successful in creating it? These questions are surely asked and answered by Lago when creating their album Tyranny. The answers lie within this 40 minute feast waiting to be consumed.


Album Review: LAGO Tyranny

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What makes death metal so good? What formula will prove successful in creating it? These questions are surely asked and answered by Lago when creating their album Tyranny. The answers lie within this 40 minute feast waiting to be consumed.

This mature sounding band from Phoenix, Arizona will soon be releasing their first full-length album. It's preceded by Marianas which was an EP released in 2010. Despite the lack of recognition, Marianas featured a solid performance of thoughtful production and song writing. In 2012, Lago released a two track demo that really stimulated some questions, and genuinely ignited some interest. Finally, Tyranny is here and the 40 minutes of primordial death metal will be a fantastic addition the death metal community, and needs to be in every metal admirer's collection.

What is so intriguing and great about Tyranny? In short, everything. It contains a classic death metal sounding atmosphere that has worked so well for the genre in the past. One noticeable attribute is that the band does not try too hard when it comes to the technical aspect. The riffs are catchy and creative, but not mind blowing and progressive. There is no need for this when the song writing is so substantial and without fault. The drums create an elaborate backbone which the vocals, guitar riffs and bass all dangle from, just as rotting meat is left hanging from the carcass of a dead whale, pieces are scavenged and picked off enabling enjoyment from all parts of this magnificent rotting beast. In particular, the bass contributes systematically on several tracks breeding a captivating draw on many songs. The vocals are not overpowering, but act more as an instrument, in contributing a perfectly mechanized system that functions without defect the entire duration of the album. Mixes of higher-pitched screams may sound raspy, but conform without fault to the deep growls that summon a blacker metal depth and feel. Even Jonny Davy from Job For A Cowboy has a guest appearance on the track "Bring to Ruin".

In looking for short comings, there is close to none. It did take several listens to really understand the sound and mood this band was shooting for. Once it was clear though, this album turned into a non-stop listen for over a week. For a seasoned metal enthusiast, this album will quickly become a highlight.

Admittedly, there is nothing really new or different in Tyranny when compared to many other death metal tried and true formulas, but in this rare case, it works wonderfully for Lago. The ability to sound unique and different while using these methods of death metal is a difficult feat, and Lago crushes it on Tyranny. On September 16th, feast on the rotting carcass of Tyranny.


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