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Be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.


Album Review: CYTOTOXINGammageddon

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It has been too long since my nuclear disaster, musical-themed death metal music craving has been satiated. Thankfully, on July 21st, Cytotoxin will be releasing their third full-length album Gammageddon. Since the bands formation in 2010, this five man nuclear waste team from Germany have self proclaimed their sub genre of music as "Chernobyl Death Metal". Each album is heavily themed on the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. If you do not know what that is, I suggest you read up on the event before immersing yourself into this radioactive pound of gurgling, mutated pig squeals, and technical/brutal death metal.

This newest edition to the bands discography does not hesitate to build onto their technical, fast-paced death metal. From the quick turns and transitions that had those heavy down-tuned riffs churning out tight, almost computer-like riffs, to the deafening blast beats, and unique vocal varieties that seem to be squirming their way out of decaying flesh.

From what I remember their previous album contained a lot of break downs. Keep in mind, their last release was Radiophobia which was released in 2012. Even just five years ago, breakdowns were very popular and I can still remember there being enough to distract me from the brilliance of their work as a whole.

Gammageddon take a different approach. There are few noticeable breakdowns within the album, and the ones that do make an obvious reveal always contain an originality in transition, fills, or beats that distinguish their fast, grooving, technical metal as their own. After many listens, the band I kept coming back to and being reminded of was Beneath the Massacre. These two bands share the same soul when it comes to style, tone and mood. It's a refreshing sound that can stand on its own, and even though the dizzying riffs and abrasive structure may sound repetitive, just give it time. The patient ear will unfold an enigma of sound, and allow the listener to appreciate it more with time.

"Radiatus Generis" is one of my favorite tracks. Its intensity is never held back, and circus-like grooves will be embedded in your mind after just the first listen. The closing breakdown has extremely fast drumming, uses a warning voice, and presumably a geiger counter tapping. This combination is reminiscent of Beneath the Massacre's song "Anomic" with its filtered backing riffs, and Deceptionist's song "Industrivolutionaction" which contains warning alarms to go with the rhythm. These songs' incorporation of studio work bolsters the overall mood, and body of the album as a whole.

Cytotoxin does not produce music on a regular basis, but when they do, be sure to spend some time with it. Technical death metal is a tough sub genre to make your name in, and it's all too often computerized riff challenges that end up sounding more like a cheesy computer game than actual metal. Gammageddon is able to sound more natural, and bring their down tuned riffs to a catchy, and yet, creative medium. Come July 21st, 2017, be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.

Score: 7/10


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