We all need to make a living somehow, and before Huntress were out there touring with the likes of Danzig and Lamb of God, frontwoman Jill Janus had to pay the bills, and did so by taking DJ gigs. To make herself stand out from the competition, Janus employed an interesting technique: she would perform topless.
The Gauntlet uncovered (for lack of a better term) nude photos from Janus' past as well as interview she did with Playboy about topless DJing:
"I was living in New York City and needed cash. So I learned how to DJ, but added a gimmick to make more money. I did it topless. A few years later, I have Playboy to thank for legitimizing topless DJ'ing as a lucrative business, although I quit when Vexy Strut was formed. That was my goal all along – to get your attention as a singer and songwriter. So what – I showed you my boobs. Mission accomplished!"
Janus performed under the pseudonym "DJ Penelope Tuesdae" and had some successful gigs, including a New Year's Party with Snoop Dogg:
We're all for Janus making any way she sees fit, as long as it's legal and she feels comfortable doing it. More power to Jill!
Watch Jill in the most recent editions of Ask The Artist.