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Shocking Revelations

Maybe that KURT COBAIN Death Scene Note Wasn't So Bad

The full note revealed!

The full note revealed!

About 10 years ago, I was obsessed with the death of Kurt Cobain. I watched the (now looking back hilarious) documentary Kurt & Courtney which tried to paint Courtney Love as the person who ordered the death of Cobain. I read all the theories, and all the books and after everything I realized that this was all bullshit and Kurt Cobain was just a crazy junkie asshole (albeit good-hearted).

For a moment, earlier this week, my suspicious arose again when a note found in Cobain's wallet was found to have said some not so nice things about his wife Courtney Love.

"Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife even when she's a bitch with zits and siphoning all [your] money for doping and whoring…"

But guess what? The entire note was released yesterday and turns out, Kurt Cobain was crazy.


The rest of the note says "will you promise to fuck her at least once a week – OK."

See, because it was all a big joke? Or maybe it was just a dude who was doped up on heroin and didn't know what he writing.

Point is, the guy's gone, it's been 20 years. Let's move on.

[via MetalSucks]

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