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Shocking Revelations

Watch: BELPHEGOR Frontman Spit At By Russian Orthodox Activist, Fight Almost Breaks Out

Some Russian people don't seem to dig extreme metal.

Some Russian people don't seem to dig extreme metal.

Russia has a history of having problems with heavy metal artists coming over. Last year, Cannibal Corpse shows were shut down by military-level tanks. The country essentially booted out Behemoth before they had a chance to play and forced Marilyn Manson to cancel a planned performance. But this video takes things to a new level.

The video begins with a Russian Orthodox Activist, Vitali Milonova Anatoly Artyukhov signaling to his friend to come over with the camera. He stares down Belphegor’s Helmuth Lehner and asks him what he's doing in Russia. Lehner responds "English!". Artyukhov then winds up and launches a huge spit-wad at Lehner who is stunned by the occurrence and spits back. The video cuts and then we see Artyukhov try to take a swing at Lehner until Nile's Karl Sanders steps in and breaks it up. Here is the unsettling video:


It just doesn't seem safe for more "extreme" metal bands to be touring Russia nowadays, which sucks for the fans, but this kind of behavior isn't exactly welcoming to metal acts.

On another note, don't fuck with Karl Sanders.


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