I would recommend you check out this sick cover art for Testament's new album, Dark Roots of the Earth, but this shit is so small you can barely make out how epic it truly is (Updated with hi-res art courtesy of artist Eliran Kantor! Awesome!!). Still, it looks quite amazing. The band will release their new album in Europe on July 27th. There is no US release date set yet, but one would assume it would either be the Tuesday before July 27th, or more likely, the Tuesday after. While I have no doubts this record is killer, I do have a friend or two who happened to hear some tracks recently, and all reviews came back incredibly positive. I can't wait to hear some new Testament. For now, let's harkon back to a time when we sent the King of Metal, Dave Hill to a Testament show to talk to some of their fans. [via MetalSucks]
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