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The DEAD ZONE's best of 2007 – DESPISED ICON – The Ills of Modern Man (Cont.)

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despised icon the ills of modern man cdIf you are a "deathcore" fan and you haven't heard of DESPISED ICON you have been living under a fucking rock. If there was a badge and a title to whom is the kings of that genre and innovators, DESPISED ICON would be that band. "The Ills of Modern Man" is the epitome of how a "deathcore" band should be writing. Produced by the bands guitarist Yannick St-Amand as well as the bands third full length, however their first for CENTURY MEDIA, "The Ills of Modern Man" may possibly be the bands best release to date.

The opening track "In The Arms of Perdition", listeners are immediately tossed into a grinding blast beat masterpiece. Drummer Alex Pelletier isn't recognized as he should be as an established drummer. Through out the song breaks and grooves are placed perfectly while vocalists Alex Erian and Steve Marois belt out every ounce of their heart and emotion. Then around the 3:40 mark, DESPISED ICON give a :42 bass dropping ass kicking breakdown in which wants you to punch yourself in the dick because it rules so hard. And that folks, is just the first track.

Stand out tracks such as "Furtive Monologue", "Quarantine", "Sheltered Reminiscence", and "Oval Shaped Incisions" will grind your face off and will still give you time to round house ninja kick your little brother and/or sister in the face if thats your thing. But there are still other tracks such as "A Fractured Hand" in which dive into your evil souls to raise your metal claws. This release is for every metal fan. There are still hints of their past releases "Consumed By Your Poison", "The Healing Process", and their Split with BODIES IN THE GEARS OF THE APPARATUS. But "The Ills of Modern Man" is an evolution in which makes me crave more from the kings.

"The Ills of Modern Man" is a masterpiece as well an inspiration for song writing for an over saturated genre of followers who can't set their own tone. If you are a band in the "deathcore" genre, I highly recommend purchasing this album and listening to it religiously. DESPISED ICON shows why they are the epitome of the metal and core hybrid with "The Ills of Modern Man".

Listen to Despised Icon on Myspace and download their free tracks.

Purchase their album on iTunes or here.

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